Stupid invention Week

<strong>Candwich</strong><br><br>Sure, some things taste amazing from a can - soup and beans, for example.  But a sandwich? Not so much. But that didn't deter Mark One Foods from taking a perfectly delicious creation - the peanut butter and jelly sandwich - and shoving it into a can. <br><br> Introducing the Candwich, which is just what it sounds like: a sandwich in a can.  The Candwich has a "long shelf life" and is "perfect for emergency food storage needs in the event of natural disasters," Mark One Foods boasts on their website.  Um, even in an emergency, we think we'll just stick to our soup and beans.


Sandwich in a can? I don't think so.

Introducing the Candwich, which is just what it sounds like: a sandwich in a can. The Candwich has a "long shelf life" and is "perfect for emergency food storage needs in the event of natural disasters," Mark One Foods boasts on their website. Um, even in an emergency, we think we'll just stick to our soup and beans.

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