Was Donald Trump really considering running for President?

Donald Trump's ridiculous flirtation with the Republican Party sets off my cynical radar. If Trump was serious about running for President then why was he stumping across America accusing Barack Obama of being a foreigner? Or declaring that America should invade Libya and take their oil? He is smart enough to know that taking these positions put him on the political fringe and guarantees that he will not be taken seriously. So no surprise that in a short period of time he dropped from the ranks of the Republican front runners to near the bottom of the pack.

I have my suspicions that he was really never interested in the White House. Rather he was more interested in the ratings of his Celebrity Apprentice reality TV show. No doubt all this attention got some extra people to tune into his dull program. In fact enough people did just that and as a result NBC has signed up for another season. The same day Trump announces that he really didn't want to be President. Just too much of a coincidence for me.

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