Burglars end up having sex during break in

A man wearing only a rain coat was taken into police custody after a garage burglary and sexual encounter on Sunday.

The Jefferson County Sheriff's Department said the man and a woman were in the process of burglarizing the garage on Glade Chapel Road, in Hillsboro, when they decided to have sex. While having sex, the woman sprayed the man with pepper spray.

Investigators said the woman ran off and drove the suspect's vehicle into a pond about two miles from the burglary location.

The burglary victim woke up and spotted the man leaving the garage with a bag.

Investigators took the man into custody a short time later when he was spotted running down the road.

I only posted this story because one aspect perplexes me. Sure I can see how during the heat of a break in the couple's emotions turn into sex. But what's with the pepper spray? Did he go too far trying to get something that was taboo. Sadly this story is incomplete.


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