Casey Anthony: Trial of the Decade

Very few trials attract the attention (some would say morbid) of the public like murder trial taking place in Florida. There was the O.J. Simpson trial in 1995. Many people still remember where they were when the verdict was delivered by the jury. Then there was the sordid details that came out during the Scott Peterson trial in 2004 including a double life, disguises and the incredible lies that he told. He was convicted of murdering his wife Laci and his unborn child.

Move ahead to central Florida where 25 year old Casey Anthony is on trial for allegedly murdering her 2 year old daughter Caylee. The public interest is spawned by incredible stories that come from Casey and her family and the bizarre circumstances surrounding her daughter's death. The result is that real human suffering is transformed into a commercial product to be sold on magazine racks, cable news shows and social media. Coverage of the trial has been relentless.

I don't really follow the trial but this is what I understand is the sad story that has been unfolding:
  • Caylee Anthony disappeared in June 2008 and her body was found 5 months later. Her mother Casey was charged with murder.
  • Caylee wasn't reported missing for a month by her grandmother Cindy not her mother.
  • When first questioned by police about her daughter's whereabouts, Casey had indicated she was with a babysitter which turned out to be a fabrication. Throughout the investigation police had difficulty determining the facts of the case.
  • There were photos that popped up through social media of Casey partying while her daughter was missing.
  • Police were unable to determine the cause of death after Caylee's body was found. However, chemical testing showed signs of decomposition in the trunk of Casey's car as well as traces of chloroform. As well, police were able to confirm that someone searched the Internet for information about chloroform from Casey's computer. There other bits of evidence pointing to Casey including a very damaging diary entry.
  • The defense presented its claim that Caylee drowned accidentally in the family's pool and was found by her grandfather George Anthony, who then covered up Caylee's death. Casey's lawyer also alleged that George had sexually abused Casey since she was 8 years old which is supposed to explain her propensity to lying. He also claimed that Casey's brother Lee had made sexual advances toward Casey and was even given a paternity test to see if he was Caylee's father.
  • The defense rested on June 30 without bringing Casey to the stand.
As I mentioned the public response to the trial can only be described as disturbing. Gaining entry to the trial has been treated like getting tickets to an Oprah show. People have been standing in line for up to 10 hours in the Florida sun, sleeping in line overnight, brawling and trampling each other to get into the courtroom. The trial has become Florida's #1 tourist attraction. Sorry Mickey.

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