Vancouver Riot public shaming websites under attack

The Vancouver riots have spawned public shaming websites which are websites where rioters are being outed. This can include not only revealing names but addresses, email, phone numbers, etc. One particular blogger named Captain Vancouver has a site called Public Shaming Eternus, that has received a fair amount of notoriety.

So how does Captain Vancouver identify these individuals and out them? Well it's because these brazen idiots involved in the rioting have bragged about their exploits on Facebook. One of his targets was Nathan Kotylak (seen in the photo above) who has since come forward to apologize for his action. He can be seen stuffing a rag into the gas tank of a Vancouver police cruiser.

Some people are upset with the public shaming websites because the feeling is that its a mob mentality manifesting itself on social media sites. I'm crying crocodile tears for these suburban brats with no sense of civil responsibility. In the video below a blond young woman can be seen torching a police car. At the 7:00 mark you can see her wailing away at a vehicle. She turned herself into police after being outed.

Public shaming really isn't punishment enough. And the criminal justice system is only going to hand out slaps on the wrist. If Kotylak actually torched the $50,000 vehicle then shouldn't he pay restitution to the City of Vancouver for the damage? Afterall an apology doesn't quite replace the car and his dad is a doctor so the money is there. Why should taxpayers have to pay? Maybe they should be dragged downtown to clean up the streets too.

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