God Bless America - checking out porn on public computers is a protected right

Shakespeare's plays, Einstein's theories -- and porn queen Jenna Jameson's steamy online sexcapades.

New Yorkers can take their pick at the city's public libraries, thanks to a policy that gives adults the most uncensored access to extreme, hard-core Internet smut this side of the old Times Square.

The electronic smut falls under the heading of free speech and the protection of the First Amendment, library officials say.

"Customers can watch whatever they want on the computer," said Brooklyn Public Library spokeswoman Malika Granville, describing the anything-goes philosophy that's the rule at the city's 200-plus branches.

Under US law, all libraries that take federal funding only must install filters on publicly used computers to block content containing illegal obscenity and child pornography, and New York City officials say they comply to the letter.

If localities want to further restrict viewing, they must specifically enact a policy, although the move almost certainly brings with it legal challenges.

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