Latest federal seat projections

The shift is on as the NDP steadily draw voters away from the Liberals in BC and Ontario and the Bloc in Quebec based on projections from the DemocraticSPACE blog. Of course the vote splitting on the Left is also moving the Conservatives deeper into majority territory despite the fact that there popular vote has slipped. NDP set gains are predominantly in Quebec while the Conservatives' big gains are coming in the GTA including 3 possible ridings in Toronto (Don Valley West, Eglinton-Lawrence, York Centre) which has been death valley for the Tories in past elections.

5-Apr 12-Apr 19-Apr 23-Apr 26-Apr
Conservatives 157 152 148 157 161
Liberals 69 78 77 69 57
NDP 33 34 43 39 53
Bloc 49 43 39 42 36
Green 0 0 0 0 0
Others 0 0 0 0 0

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