Latest federal seat projections

Here are the latest seat projections from the Greg Morrow's DemocraticSPACE blog. The Conservatives are clearly in majority territory as Liberal support slips. The gains appear to be in some of those riding that the Conservatives have been targeting (eg, Eglinton-Lawrence, Brampton West, Brampton-Springdale). Meanwhile in Quebec, the Bloc appear to have lost some seats to the NDP. It appears Michael Ignatieff will hang on the Opposition Leader mantel though it's only a matter of time before his party gives him the boot as well.

5-Apr 12-Apr 19-Apr 23-Apr
Conservatives 157 152 148 157
Liberals 69 78 77 69
NDP 33 34 39
Bloc 49 43 43
Green 0 0 0 0
Others 0 0 0 0

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